
Saturday, June 22, 2013

May I take your Picture ?

On the last day of exam,
I gathered all my courage,
to put my mind to ask,
May I take a picture of ur’s for my memory?

My question was one sided,
I am no mean,
but I had no choice,
to preserve my memories with time.

Please take, the voice said,
in a jiffy,
“Only you can see both us together”
Your two eyes are for me .

It was so difficult to hold my composure,
stop shaking my mind,
for these eyes which just mangaged to stop tears ,
Nothing can replace that feeling .

No claps,
No coins,
No walks,
No prayers,

Thanks I said and turned away,
Telling myself to stop till ,
I find the cool shade of a lonely tree,
who is as helpless as me,
doing his bit,without asking anything.

This picture is the best,
As I can actually read it ,
to my blind friend , Ramesh.
And can make him smile.

This is picture perfect still says my mind !

Dedicated to brave souls of The National Association for the Blind .

Varun Gupta

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